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Time Stands Still

Urszula Urbaniak
1992 United Kingdom 10 minutes Polish

A few grey buildings in the English countryside. This is the last of temporary camps in Britain where up to thirty thousand former Polish resistance fighters and their families found refuge in the wake of the second world war. 110 eighty-year olds still live there – most of them hail from eastern Poland, annexed by the U.S.S.R. after the Yalta agreement. They had been victims of Stalinism and Nazism. Now, without country or home, there is no end in sight to their suffering.

Urszula Urbaniak

Née le 27 décembre 1962 à Oswiecim, Pologne. Etudes de cinéma à l’Université de Silésie. Réalisateur pour la PWSFTV it (Lodz) depuis 1988.

A réalisé :

– Czerwony Kapturek, 1988

– Expectation, 1989

– Coolness (fiction), 1989

– 50 Jahre danach im herzen Europas, 1990

– Junction, 1998

– Răscrucea (Torowisko), 1999

Production :
National Film and Television School
Distribution :
National Film and Television School
Editing :
John Burgan
Sound :
Simon Everson; Urszula Urbaniak
Photography :
Simon Everson

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