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To Kouti

The Box
Eva Stefani
2004 Greece 11 minutes Greek

The old lady says of herself that she is “in the snow age”, that she has forgotten her formerly well-spoken French and that, besides, she no longer reads, which is a pity. But she watches television. With her face lit by the light of the screen, she stares intently at the set, feverishly waiting for the news. Each day, she talks with the anchorman, caresses the screen and takes more interest in his face and his attire than in the litany of events and catastrophes that he reels off indifferently.

Eva Stefani

née en 1964, elle a étudié le cinéma aux Ateliers Varan de Paris et à la New-York University avant d’intégrer le département de documentaire de la National Film TV school de Londres. Ele enseigne le cinéma à l’Université d’Athènes. Elle a réalisé: Gutters, 1987; la vie en vert, 1989; Moiroloi, 1991; Paschalis, 1993; Athène, 1995; Closed Spaces, 1998; Prison Leave, 2001; Akropolis, 2001, Avraam and lavokos, 2001.

Production :
New Greek Television; Eva Stefani
Distribution :
Eva Stefani
Editing :
Takis Gorgorinis; Alekos Sampsonidis
Sound :
Eva Stefani
Photography :
Eva Stefani

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