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Tren de sombras – El espectro de Le Thuit

José Luis Guerin
1996 Spain 88 minutes Spanish

“At dawn on 8th November 1930, the Parisian lawyer Gérard Fleury set out to find the right light to finish a film on the landscape around Lake Thuit in Normandy. He died the same day in still unelucidated circumstances. Three months previously, he had made one of his modest family productions, and this was to be his last film.” “Opposite real-life time, which is fleeting and constantly slipping away, there is another time – the cinema’s time which embalms a slice of time through the use of a film shot. My film begins by showing the tension that exists between these two kinds of time, between real-life, ephemeral time and the embalmed time of cinema.” (J. L. Guerín)

José Luis Guerin

Né en 1960. Après quelques films expérimentaux, il réalise en 1983 son premier long métrage Los motivos de Berta puis, en 1998, un épisode du film City Life. Suivent Innisfree en 1990,Tren de sobras en 1997, En construccion, 2000.

Production :
Films 59; Grup Cinema-Art
Distribution :
Wanda Films
Editing :
Manel Alminana
Photography :
Tomás Pladevall

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