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Dusan Trancík
1969 Czechoslovakia 22 minutes Czech; Slovak

January 1969 : the funeral of Jan Palach, a young student who burnt himself alive to protest against the Soviet occupation. Homage, marches and demonstrations in Prague, Brno et Bratislava.

Dusan Trancík

Né en 1946. A réalisé des courts métrages documentaires et une dizaine de fictions.


Production :
Stúdio krátkych filmov Bratislava
Distribution :
Slovensky Filmovy Ústav/Institut du film slovaque
Editing :
Anna Forischová
Sound :
Alexander Pallós; Július Santoris
Photography :
Jozef Muller.; Alexander Strelinger; Pavol âílek; Ervín Potock˘; Alojz Hanúsek; Vladimir Hollos

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