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Un Automne en Pologne

Julien Donada
1995 France 16 minutes French

Just before Winter, on All Saints’ Day, I arrived in Poland with a friend. But what is this country called Poland ? Poland is the place where people go to find their origins. Yet, in my case, there was not even the remotest connection with the country. I had no Polish roots, there were no Jews or deportees in my family. There was nothing. Nothing or nearly nothing. The friend who came with me had a grandmother, a Polish Jewish grandmother, but she is so discrete about this matter that it could well slip one’s mind. Poland is the country where people go to find their origins, and then they also take a look around ‘. (extract from the film).

Julien Donada

Né en 1969. Il travaille sur divers films et a réalisé :

L’essence, 1992 – L’inventaire de Jean Rouch, 1993 – L’ascension, 1994 – Un Automne en Pologne, 1995

Production :
Faubourg production; Local Film
Distribution :
Agence du court métrage
Editing :
Zoe Joli
Sound :
Frédéric Guelaff
Photography :
Julien Donada

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