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Une Femme

Amer Gandhour
1987 France 20 minutes French

It’s through his mother’s face that the director tries to reinstate the atmosphere in a Lebanese family facing up to the events that take place. Using a succession of photographs and incorporating images of an entire life-span, from the Turkish ancestors to the breaking out of the Lebanese war, the film is a final love letter to its maker’s mother, who died in Beirut, her native city.

Amer Gandhour

Né en 1961 à Beyrouth.

Etudes à l’Ecole supérieure de réalisation audiovisuelle. Travaille comme assistant-réalisateur, décorateur, monteur et directeur de production sur divers longs métrages et spots publicitaires.

Production :
P. H. P
Editing :
Amer Gandhour

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