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Une Journée dans la République Populaire de Pologne

One Day in People's Poland
Maciej Drygas
2005 France 52 minutes Polish

The Poland of the 1960s, seen through official newsreels or personal archives, gives a first impression of banality and happiness. There is work, travel, weddings, studies… Images polished by an unruffled, well-oiled way of functioning. Yet, these almost flat images are disturbed and haunted by voices: police reports, letters of denouncement, a mother’s correspondence to her imprisoned son, calls for freedom. Texts and radio archives infuse the images with a dimension of fear, obsessive control, passivity and resistance. Daily gestures lose their insignificance. They are what follows or precedes an arrest or a report. Banality crumbles away to reveal an underlying reality that is painful, absurd and chilling.

Maciej Drygas

Né le 3 avril 1956 à Lódz. Après avoir terminé ses études dans la section réalisation de l’Ecole de films de Moscou, il travaille comme assistant réalisateur de Zanussi et de Kréslowski. Auteur de cinq scénarios, il est également membre du Studio Zodiak.

A réalisé :

– False Start, 1981

– Psychotherapy, 1984

Production :
ADR Productions; Drygas Productions; Arte
Distribution :
Arte France
Editing :
Katarzyna Maciejko-Kowalczyk
Sound :
Marc Authesser; Iwo Klimek
Photography :
Maciej Drygas

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