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Uria, l’enfant de la rivière

Frédéric Labourasse
1994 France 52 minutes undetermined

Uria, a 13-year old Mentawai boy from Indonesia, was born in a forest on Siberut Island, where writing and rice are still unknown. For his studies, he has had to leave his family and go to a boarding school run by an Italian Catholic mission, three days’ journey away from his home. He dreams of becoming a teacher, and teaching his people who are increasingly vulnerable to traders, how to read and write. The film follows his life as a boarder and his return home for the Summer holidays. After a long journey through the jungle by pirogue, he finds his family again – his parents and younger brothers, who are living in almost Stone Age conditions.

Frédéric Labourasse

Etudes à l’Ecole Louis Lumière “Vaugirard”. Reporter-cameraman pour divers magazines de télévision de 1982 à 1987, et cadreur de téléfilms de fiction. Chef-opérateur de J. Y Cousteau et de Nicolas Philibert notamment pour La Ville-Louvre et Le pays des sourds.

A réalisé des courts métrages de fiction et des documentaires avec Jean-Yves Cousteau.

Production :
Films d'Ici; France 3; Canal +; BBC Enterprises
Distribution :
Europe Images International
Editing :
Marie-Dominique Danjou
Sound :
Henri Maïkoff; Jean Umansky
Photography :
Frédéric Labourasse

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