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Uslyszcie moj krzyk

Maciej Drygas
1991 Poland 47 minutes Polish

“Listen to the cry of an ordinary, gray man, of a native son who has always cherished freedom above anything else, even none than his own life.” Those were the farewell words Rysard Siwiec, a sixty-year old family man, recorded on his tape-recorder just before leaving for the Harvest Celebrations held at the Warsaw Stadium on September 8, 1968. He set fire to himself as a sign of protest against the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the armed forces of the Warsaw Pact. An amateur cameraman who was standing in the crowd filmed the scene.

Maciej Drygas

Né le 3 avril 1956 à Lódz. Après avoir terminé ses études dans la section réalisation de l’Ecole de films de Moscou, il travaille comme assistant réalisateur de Zanussi et de Kréslowski. Auteur de cinq scénarios, il est également membre du Studio Zodiak.

A réalisé :

– False Start, 1981

– Psychotherapy, 1984

Production :
Zodiak Film Studio
Editing :
Dorota Wardęszkiewicz
Sound :
Andrzej Zabicki
Photography :
Stanislaw Sliskowski

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