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Ireen Ditshuyzen
1992 The Netherlands 70 minutes Dutch

The lifestyle of transvestites poses several problems even in a permissive society like the Netherlands where a special clinic has been opened. Several cases are presented in the film, which focuses more on the relationship between transvesties and the people around them. Ko, a radio reporter and a father of two children, slowly becomes Corinne. He has the support of an understanding father, despite the difficulties in dealing with such situation. Given the problem he/she encounters at work with her colleagues, though well-disposed initially, and the painfull solitude she ends up feeling, an essential question arises – has she found a sense to her life and assumed the destiny she has chosen?

Production :
TV Dits BV
Distribution :
IdtV Docs
Editing :
Eva Reisel; Annemiek Streng
Sound :
Clous van Mechelen
Photography :
Peter Brugman; Deen van der Zaken; Jules van den Steenhoven

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