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Vers un retour des paysans

Mireille Hannon
2000 France 80 minutes French

After years of more or less imposed agricultural modernisation and faced with the repeated crises that destabilise the world of agriculture, farmers are beginning to discover the ill effects of an industrialisation that is now beyond their control: genetically modified food, mad cows, growing debts, productivism. In this not too bright a situation, Gilles Lemée decides to put his ideas to work by reconverting his Morvan farm to producing organic foods. When land is up for rent in the neighbouring hamlet, he does not seize the opportunity to extend his farm like most of his colleagues who complain that small farms are disappearing. Instead, he prepares a project with his nephew Stéphane, who has just settled in the vicinity, and together they manage to ‘âget by’ more easily. Following the rhythm of their work, from autumn to late spring, the film observes their daily life and takes a look at the new questions that the changing world of farming is asking itself.

Mireille Hannon

Née en 1956, licence d’histoire de l’art. Depuis 1987, elle est chef monteuse image sur des documentaires et des fictions. Elle a réalisé : • Les insurgés de Clamecy, 1995 • Les Oblates de l’Eucharistie, 1996 • Parlez-moi d’amour, avec Patrick Fournial, 2000 • Vers un retour des paysans, 2000 • Dernier hommage, 2004

Production :
Ina; Huit
Distribution :
Editing :
Cécile Dubois
Sound :
Mireille Hannon; Nicolas Zwarg
Photography :
Eric Gerbal; Isabelle Fermon; Patrick Fournial

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