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Wen die Götter lieben

Johannes Holzhausen
1992 Austria 35 minutes German

Moving from café to fun fair in a typically “Viennese” setting, the film is about the life of two people fate has done ill by, yet who pull through thanks to their love for each other. Bertl is 50 and lives on state welfare. Among other things he has been an actor, paper hanger, drill sergeant for the army, porter and hobo. He has a marriage and two suicide attempts behind him. He was saved by Kathi, whom he loves and cares for. Kathi is 35 and judged mentally incompetent by the state. She is the mother of one child, and looks after Pinki, their pet Guinea pig.

Johannes Holzhausen

Né à Salzbourg en 1960. Suit des études d’histoire de l’art puis de cinéma à l’académie de cinéma de Vienne. Son court métrage documentaire Wen die Götter lieben (Aimés des Dieux) est primé à Cinéma du Réel en 1993. A également réalisé : • Wopa Bank, 1984 • So wollen wir die Kunstlawine stoppen, 1984 • Art and Concepts of Art, 1985 • Family Portraits, 1989 • Märchen von einem, 1990 • Die Nacht aus Blei, 1994 • Das letzte Ufer, 1995 • Zero Crossing, 2000 • Auf allen Meeren, 2001

Production :
Johannes Holzhausen
Distribution :
Sixpack Film

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