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Yamav ha’alizim shel mar cortisone

Zadok (Duki) Dror
2004 Israel 85 minutes English; Hebrew

Shlomi Shir is suffering from cancer. In the isolation room, where he is staying for a week’s radioactive-iodine treatment, he decides to make his camera into a close and intimate companion. Moving constantly in-front and behind the camera, he hopes that the power of art will bring a happy end to his story, especially as his wife is expecting a child. However, the doctors announce that they have discovered new aggressive tumours in his spine. While waiting for a series of operations in New York City, he is given large doses of cortisone and decisions are made without consulting him. He takes refuge in his filmed diary and begins to face his destiny. When he realises he is being sentenced to die on the operating table; he decides to leave the hospital, overdosed with cortisone and tranquillisers, and sets his soul free.

Production :
Zygote Films

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