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Raymonde Carasco
1985 France 50 minutes French; Spanish
© Régis Hébraud

“The Cantador took the instrument, gives a few initial beats, begins his song with a kind of guttural intake, like a call for air and breathing-in, and starts his dance towards the cross, toing and froing, while very quickly the aspiration of the initial cry dies away giving way to this song from which only vowels emerged, almost a murmur, like the body’s monologue with the spirit that it was invoking, somnambulistic.” (Raymonde Carasco)

Production :
Raymonde Carasco
Editing :
Régis Hébraud
Photography :
Régis Hébraud
Narration :
Erasmo Palma; Raymonde Carasco
Copy Contact :
Régis Hébraud; La Cinémathèque de Toulouse

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