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Palmarès 2007

Cinéma du Réel Grand Prix, with the support of the Procirep:
Santiago, João Moreira Salles

SCAM International Award, ex aequo:
Maxi xuexiao (Circus School), Guo Jing and Ke Dingding and And Thereafter II, Hosup Lee

Short Film Award:
Le Bruit du canon, Marie Voignier

Joris Ivens Award:
En lo escondido (Those Waiting in the Dark), Nicolas Rincón Gille
The International jury wishes to attribute a special mention to the German selection

Youth Award – Cinéma du réel:
Aus der Zeit (Out of Time), Harald Friedl

Heritage Award:
Stella, Vanina Vignal
Mentions to:
Malaak et le vaste monde, Ahlem Aussant-Leroy and Alguna tristeza (Some Kind of Sadness), Juan Alejandro Ramírez
Libraries Award:
En lo escondido (Those Waiting in the Dark), Nicolas Rincón Gille
Mention to:
Kurz davor ist es passiert (Just Before), Anja Salomonowitz

Louis Marcorelles Award:
El Telón de Azúcar (The Sugar Curtain), Camila Guzmán Urzúa
Mention toNisida, grandir en prison, Lara Rastelli

Pierre and Yolande Perrault Grant, ex aequo: Für den Ernstfall (In Case of Emergency), Knut Karger
and Giac mo la cong nhan (Worker’s Dreams), Phuong Thao Tran