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Accreditations are open

Accreditations and Student Passes are on sale from 15 February to 13 March included. Professional nominative and press accreditations : Accreditations can be distributed to film industry professionals (filmmakers, producers, festival programmers, distributors, associations, multimedia libraries… ) and journalists upon presentation of supporting documents. Professional nominative (50 €) or press (free) accreditations give access to all festival screenings (subject to availability), to opening …

Popular front(s) | The spirit of the Earth

Since 2019 the Popular Front(s) has focused precisely on the way that we inhabit the world,  convinced that cinema and the festival together are a possible space for our commitment and our reflection. The films screened this year compel us to face up to the catastrophe of a civilisation that is precipitating human and non-human …

Films in competition | 45th edition

FILMS IN COMPETITION 2023 This year again, the festival features world, international, or French premieres of the most outstanding international documentary productions as well as world premieres putting the spotlight on the French documentary scene. Out of the 1,686 films submitted for consideration, the selection committee has picked out a total of 41 works running …

Programme | Varan Vietnam adventure

Founded by Jean Rouch in 1978, Ateliers Varan is a programme dedicated to Direct Cinema and to training filmmakers across the world. In 2004, a team of instructors led by André Van In organized the first Varan workshop in Hanoi. Since then, nine workshops have been held in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh …

Program Preview | 45th edition

Each year, Cinéma du Réel showcases documentary productions from all over the world, presenting the public with a wide range of forms and cinematic approaches and throws light on the formal developments and experiments affecting documentary filmmaking in relation to the history of film. The world, differently While documentary films show the world, some filmmakers choose …

Creation of the Préludes Prize | Call for projects

As part of ParisDOC’s 4th European Conference on Heritage Documentaries, Cinéma du Réel and Préludes are launching the Préludes Prize, designed to promote the restoration of documentary films. Préludes is an international sales and distribution company as well as a FVOD platform dedicated to debut films. In addition to providing distribution services, it works alongside emerging …

[ EntreVues – Belfort Film Festival 2022]

EntreVues – Belfort Film Festival, France, November 20 – 27 2022, programmes three films presented as part of Cinéma du réel 2022: We, Students!, Rafiki Fariala, International competition, Special mention of the International jury and Libraries Award, The Raw and the Cooked, Lisa Marie Malloy and Dennis Zhou, International competition, Drop It, Audrey Ginestet, French …

[Les Trois Continents Film Festival 2022]

Les Trois Continents Film Festival, Nantes, France, November 18 – 27 2022, programmes three films presented as part of Cinéma du réel 2022: We, Students!, Rafiki Fariala, International competition, Special mention of the International jury and Libraries Award, Rewind and Play, Alain Gomis, Special screening, Sambizanga, Sarah Maldoror, Documentary Afric Programme. Photo: Sambizanga

[RIDM – Montreal International Documentary Festival 2022]

RIDM festival, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November 17 – 27 2022, presentes 6 films programmed as part of Cinéma du réel 2022 : Dry Ground Burning, Adirley Queirós Andrade, Joana Pimenta, International competition, Grand Prix Cinéma du réel, Mangrove School, Sónia Vaz Borges, Filipa César, French competition, Rewind and Play, ALain Gomis, Special screening, Le Roi …

[Les Ecrans documentaires 2022]

Les Ecrans documentaires Film Festival, Arcueil, France, November 16 – 22 2022, programmes two films presented as part of Cinéma du réel 2022: Le Rois n’est pas mon cousin, Annabelle Aventurin, First Window section, Ceux de la nuit, Sarah Leonor, French competition. Photo: Ceux de la nuit

[Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofestival 2022]

Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofestival, Kassel, Germany, November 15-20 2022, programmes 6 films presented as part of Cinéma du réel 2022: Anyox, Ryan Ermacora, Jessica Johnson, International competition, Relaxe, Audrey Ginestet, French competition, Loridan – Ivens / CNAP Award, Agrilogistics, Gerard Ortín Castellví, International competition, Children of the Mist, Ha Le Diem, Special screening, Clarens Prize …

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