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“Le Chant d’une île” (Rabo de Peixe) – National Theatrical Release and International Festivals

Joachim Pinto and Nuno Leonel’s film “Le Chant d’une île (Rabo de Peixe)”, International Competition Cinéma du réel 2015 and Editors Award – Potemkine, was programmed at the folling film festivals: Festival internationale du documentaire en Cévennes, Lasalle, Le Vigan, Valleraugue, Ganges, Pont de Montvert, Vialas and Florac (France, April-May 2016), Edoc, encuentros del otro …

Fresnes Prisoners’ Award 2015

Clémence Diard’s film L’Amie d’Amélie, Short Film International Competition 2015, won the Fresnes Prisoners’ Award of Cinéma du réel’s 37th edition. A special mention was attributed to Yuri Ancarani’s film San Siro.

“Sud eau nord déplacer” – National release

Antoine Boutet’s film Sud eau nord déplacer, shown as part of the Professionnal Screenings of Cinéma du réel 2014, will be theatrically released in France on January 28th 2015. Distribution : Zeugma Films.

“Sauf ici, peut-être” – International Festivals and screenings

Matthieu Chatellier’s film Sauf ici peut-être, French Competition Cinéma du réel 2014, is selected at the festival Filmer le travail, Poitiers (France, 6-15 february 2015). It was programmed at the Festival du film Blitta (Togo, November 2014), at the Lama Film Festival (France, July – August 2014), at the festival Cinémaginaire, Argelès sur Mer (France, May …

“When I Will Be Dictator” – International Festivals and Theatrical release

Yaël André’s film When I Will Be Dictator (Quand je serai dictateur), International competition Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at the following film festivals: Festival des Étoiles de la Scam, Forum des Images, Paris (France, November 2015), Filmer à tout prix Film Festival, Brussells (Belgium, November 2015), Festival Traces de vie (France, November 2014), …

“Model Village” – International Festivals

Hayoun Kwon’s film Model Village, International Short films competition Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at the following festivals: Porto/Post/Doc Festival (Portugal, December 2015), Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y cortometraje de Bilbao (Spain, November 2014), Festival des nouveaux cinémas documentaires (France, 14 – 23 November 2014), Abu Dhabi Film Festival (United Arab Emirates, October …

“The call of the birds” – International festival

Stéphane Battut’s film The call of the birds, French Competition Cinéma du réel 2014 and Intangible heritage award 2014, was theatrically  released in France on Wednesday April 15th. Distributor : JHR Films. It was programmed at the Viennale, International Film Festival (Austria, October – November 2014).

“300 hommes” – Festivals

Emmanuel Gras and Aline Dalbis’ film Trois cents hommes, French Competition Cinéma du réel 2014,was theatrically released in France on Wednesday March 25th. Distributor : Sophie Dulac Distribution. It was programmed at Les Ecrans Documentaires (France, November 2014) and at festival international du film de La Rochelle (France, June – July 2014).

“Xenos” – International Festivals

Mahdi Fleifel’s film Xenos, International Short films compétition Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at the following festivals: Kasseler Dok Fest, Kassel (Germany, November 2015), DokuFest Prizren (Kosovo, August 2015), CPH: DOX (Denmark, November 2014), Stockholm International Film Festival (Sweden, November 2014), Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y cortometraje de Bilbao (Spain, November 2014), RIDM, …

“Les Messagers” – International Festivals and National release

Lætitia Tura and Hélène Crouzillat’s film Les Messagers, International First films competition Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at the following festivals: Festival Résonances, Paris (France, November 2015), at À nous de voir Festival, Oullins (France, November 2015), Festival Les Écrans documentaire, Arcueil (France, November 2015), Traces de vie (France, November 2014), Cinémed Festival, Montpellier …

“Sangre de mi sangre” – International Festivals and award

Jérémie Reichenbach’s Sangre de mi sangre, French competition Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at Douarnenez Film Festival (France, August 2015), at the Muestra internacional de cine documental de Buenos Aires (Argentina, October 2014), at Zagreb Film Festival (Croatia, October 2014), at Oaxaca Film Festival (Mexico, October 2014) and Marfici, Mar de Plata (Argentina, August …

“The Stone River” – International Festivals and Awards

Giovanni Donfrancesco’s film The Stone River, International Competition and Youth Award, Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at the following festivals: Festival des Étoiles de la Scam, Forum des Images, Paris (France, November 2015), DokLeipzig Festival (Germany, October – Novembrer 2014), Ânûû-rû âboro, Festival international du cinéma des peuples, New Caledonia (France, October 2014), RIDM, Rencontres Internationales …