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“Still Land”: international festival

Still Land by Rubén Margalló (First Films International Competition, Cinéma du réel 2013) is selected at DOC Buenos Aires (Argentina, October 17-26, 2013).It was also bought by the national catalogue of French public libraries.

“Le Dossier 332” – International Festivals

Noëlle Pujol’s film “Le Dossier 332“ (Contrechamp français Cinéma du réel 2012) was programmed at the following film festivals: IndieLisboa (Lisbonne, Portugal, 18-28 avril 2013), Festival de Vendôme (France, Novembre-December 2012), Traces de vie, Clermont Ferrand (France, November-December, 2012), Les Etats généraux du film documentaire in Lussas (France, August 2012).It was screened at the médiathèque …

“Bestiaire” – Screenings and international festivals

Denis Côté’s film Bestiaire, International competition Cinéma du réel 2012, was programmed at the following film festivals: RIDM, Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal (Québec – Canada, 12 – 23 novembre 2014), Festival À nous de voir in Oullins (France, November – December, 2013), Viennale, Vienna (Austria, November 2012), Zinebi, International festival of documentary and …

“East Punk Memories” – International festival and screening

Lucile Chaufour’s film East Punk Memories (Contrechamp français, Cinéma du réel 2012) will screen at the public library of Arradon (Morbihan, France) on behalf of les Artisans filmeurs associés on February 18, 2014.It was selected at the Indie Lisboa Film Festival in Lisbon (Portugal, April-May 2012).

“Après le silence, ce qui n’est pas dit n’existe pas ?” – International Festivals

Vanina Vignal’s film “Après le silence, ce qui n’est pas dit n’existe pas ?” (Contrechamp français, Cinéma du réel 2012) is selected at the Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival (Germany, October 2-9, 2013). It was programmed at the following festivals : Festival de Vendôme (France, November-December 2012), Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur …

“Jaurès” – French theatrical & Dvd release, and festivals’ selections

Vincent Dieutre’s film JAURÈS (closing night, Cinéma du réel 2012) was programmed at the following festivals: À nous de voir Festival, Oullins (France, November 2015), Écrans documentaires, Arcueil (France, December 2012), Escales Documentaires de La Rochelle (France, November 2012), Corsica.doc, Ajaccio (France, November 2012) and at the Etats généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France, August …

“Five Broken Cameras” – Theatrical French release, nomination, awards and international festivals

Guy Davidi and Emat Burnad’s film Five Broken Cameras (First films international competition and Louis Marcorelles Award Cinéma du réel 2012), was programmed at the following festivals: Traces de vies Festival, Clermont Ferrand (France, November 2015), Festival Résistances, Foix (France, July 2015), DocsBarcelona Festival (Spain, May 2015), BAFICI, Buenos Aires (Argentina, April, 2013),Ecrans documentaires, Arcueil …

“River Rites” – International Festivals

Ben Russell’s film  “River Rites“, International Short Films Competition Ciéma du réel 2012, was programmed at Silhouette Festival, Paris (France – August – September 2015), at the Festival des Trois Continents, Nantes (France, November 2012), Corsica.doc, Ajaccio (France, November 2012) and at the Viennale, Vienna (Austria, November 2012), International  Documentary Film Festival Flahertiana, Perm (Russia, …

“Self-portrait at 47 km” – International Festivals

Zhang Mengqi’s film “Self-portrait at 47 km” International First Films Competition Cinéma du Réel 2012 was programmed at the  Shadows Festival, Paris (France, November 2012) and at the Cph:Dox (Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2013).

“Un archipel” – Festival and screenings

Marie Bouts’ and Till Roeskens’ film Un archipel (Contrechamp français, Cinéma du réel 2012) is selected at the Ecrans Documentaires, Arcueil (France, December 5 – 9 2013). It will also be presented in Toulouse as part of both the 13e Mois du film documentaire (screening on November the 29th at the Médiathèque José Cabanis) and …

“Automne” – Festival selection

Dmitri Makhomet’s film Automne (Short Films Competition, Cinéma du réel 2012) is presented at the festival À nous de voir in Oullins (France, November 21 – December 1, 2013). It was programmed at the festival Traces de vie in Clermont-Ferrand (November 26 novembre – December 2, 2012).