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“Koundi and the National Thursday” – International Festival

Ariane Astrid Atodji’s film “Koundi and the National Thursday” International First Films Competition Cinéma du Réel 2011 was programmed at the following film festival : Etats généraux du film documentaire, Lussas, France, august 2011, Festival Résistances, Foix, France, July 2011, AFRICALA, Festival de Ciné Africano de Latino América, August 2011, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Dominican …

“Li ké terra” – International Festivals

Filipa Reis, Joao Miller Guerra and Nuno Baptista’s film “Li ké terra” International First Films Competition Cinéma du Réel 2011 is part of the We Speak, here Online Festival – Culture Unplugged 2012 . It was programmed at the following film festivals: Cinesul Ibera-American Film and Video Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June-July 2012, Sottodiciotto …

“Newcastle” – International Festival

Guo Hengqi’s film “Newcastle” International First Films Competition Cinéma du Réel 2011 was programmed at HOT DOCS Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, April – May 2011.

“Slow Action” – International Festivals

Ben Rivers’ film “Slow Action“, International Competition Cinéma du Réel 2011, is selected at Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia, July – August 2011. It was programmed at the following festivals : Dokumentarfilmwoche Hamburg, Germany, april 2011, Jeonju IFF, South Korea, april – may 2011, Indielisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, may 2011, Documenta Madrid, Spain, May 2011, LOOP, …

“El Sicario, Room 164” – International Festival

Gianfranco Rosi’s film “El Sicario, Room 164“, Tributes and Workshops Section Cinéma du Réel 2011 was programmed at the following film festivals : Etats généraux du film documentaire, Lussas, France, August 2011, Visions du Réel, Nyon, Switzerland, April 2011, Jeonju IFF, South Korea, April – May 2011, HOT DOCS Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, April – …

“Coming Attractions” – International Festival

Peter Tscherkassky’s film “Coming Attractions” International Short Film Competition Cinéma du Réel 2011 is selected at L’Alternativa, Festival de Cinema Independent de Barcelona, Spain, November 2011. It was programmed at Jeonju IFF, South Korea, april – may 2011.

“The Last Buffalo Hunt” – International Festival

Lee Ann Schmitt’s film “The Last Buffalo Hunt” International Competition Cinéma du Réel 2011 was programmed at Jeonju IFF, South Korea, april – may 2011. It is selected at the Viennale, Vienna, Austria, October – November 2011.

“Karamai” – International Festivals

Xin Xu’s film “Karamai“, special screening Cinéma du Réel 2011, was programmed at Jeonju IFF, South Korea, april – may 2011 and at Documenta Madrid, Spain, May 2011 where it received the Primer Premio del Jurado.