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“Holunderblüte” – International Festival

Volker Koepp’s film Holunderblüte (Elderblossom), International Competition and  Cinéma du Réel 2008 Grand Prix, was programmed at Traces de vies Festival, Clermont Ferrand (France, November 2015) and at Visions du Réel Film Festival, Nyon (Suisse, April 2008).

“Moujarad Raiha” – International festivals

Maher Abi Samra’s film “Moujarad Raiha (Merely a Smell)”, International competition Cinéma du Réel 2008, is selected to Alternativa festival, Barcelona, Spain, November 14th – 22nd 2008. It was programmed toDocumenta Madrid Festival, Spain, May 2008.

“Trois faces” – Theatrical release

Erik Bullot’s film “Trois faces”, French Selection Cinéma du Réel 2008 will be released at the cinéma l’Entrepôt, Paris 14, on october 1st 2008. Screening every day at 8.00pm, followed by a meeting with the filmmaker on Friday October 3rd.

Tribute to Amir Muhammad at Pesaro Film Festival

Amir Muhammad, one of the filmmakers whose work was highlighted in Cinéma du Réel 2008 programme “In South-East Asia”, received a tribute at the 44th Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro, Italy, June 2008.

“White Horse” – Festival

Maryann De Leo and Christophe Bisson’s film “White Horse”, International Competition Cinéma du Réel 2008 is programmed to theFestival international du Cinéma des peuples “ânûû-rû âboro”, New Caledonia, France, November 2nd to 9th 2008. It was programmed at the Viennale, Austria, October 2008.

“The Axe in the Attic” – Festival

Ed Pincus and Lucia Small’s film “The Axe in the Attic”, “Americana” section Cinéma du Réel 2008 is selected to the Festival international du Cinéma des peuples “ânûû-rû âboro”, New Caledonia, France, November 2nd to 9th 2008.

“Le Chamane, son neveu et le capitaine” – Festival

Pierre Boccanfuso’s film “Le Chamane, son neveu et le capitaine”, French selection Cinéma du Réel 2008 is programmed to the Festival international du Cinéma des peuples “ânûû-rû âboro”, New Caledonia, France, November 2nd to 9th 2008.

“Zmatek” – Festival

Evald Schorm’s “Zmatek (Confusion)”, Closing Night film Cinéma du réel 2008 was programmed to Les Etats Généraux du Documentaire, Lussas, France, august 2008.