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“Out of Time” – International Festival

Harald Friedl’s film “Out of Time (Aus der Zeit)” Prix des Jeunes – Cinéma du Réel 2007 was awarded the Grand Jury Prize at Seattle International Film Festival, USA, May 24th- June 17th 2007. It has been selected to Flahertiana Festival, Perm, Russia, September 7 – 12 2007, to Calgary International Film Festival, Canada; September …

“Not Any More” – International Festival

Member of the International Jury Cinéma du Réel 2007 Karen Jurschick’s film “Nicht mehr (Not Any More)”, German Stories retrospective, was programmed to Visions du Réel Film Festival, Switzerland, april 20th – 26th 2007, and to Flahertiana Festival, Perm, Russia, September 7 – 12 2007

“Circus School” – International Festial

Guo Jing and Ke Dingding’s film “Maxi Xuexiao (Circus School”), International competition Cinéma du Réel 2007 and Scam international award ex-aequo, was programmed to HotDocs Film Festival, Toronto Canada, April 19th – 29th 2007.

“Rendez-vous” – International Festival

Marcin Krawczyk’s film “Rendez-vous”, international competition Cinéma du Réel 2007, was programmed to HotDocs Film Festival, Toronto Canada, April 19th to 29th 2007

“Some Kind of Sadness” – International Festivals

Juan Alejandro Ramírez’ film “Alguna tristeza (Some Kind of Sadness)” International Competition Cinéma du Réel 2007 is selected to the International Documentary Film Festival Punto de Vista, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain, February 15th – 23rd 2008. It has been programmed to Doclisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, October 18th – 28th 2007 and to the Rencontres Cinémas d’Amérique Latine …

“Saba” – International Festivals

Gregorio Graziosi and Thereza Menezes’ film “Saba”, International competition Cinéma du Réel 2007, was selected to Signes de nuit Film Festival, Paris, France, June 2007, to Cannes Film Festival, France, May 2007 and to the Rencontres Cinémas d’Amérique Latine de Toulouse, France, March 2007.

“Campaign” – International Festivals and Japanese Theatrical Release

Kazuhiro Soda’s film “Senkyo (Campaign)”, International Competition Cinéma du réel 2007 was broadcasted on Arte TV Channel in its short 52 min. version on Sunday October 14th. It is programmed to the International Documentary Film Festival Punto de Vista, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain, February 15th to 23rd 2008. It was selected to numerous film festivals: Kaohsiung …

“Street Punk Moscow” – International Festivals

Korinna Kraus and Janna Ji Wonders’ film “Street Punk Moscow (Kinder der Schlafviertel)”, International Competition, Pierre and Yolande Perrault Grant Cinéma du Réel 2007, is selected to Filmer à tout prix Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium, November 13th to 25th 2006 and to Entre Vues, Belfort Film Festival, France, November 25 th – December 3rd 2006.

“The River Where We Live” – International Festivals

Sylvain L’Esperance’s film “The River Where We Live”, Cinéma du Réel 2007, was selected to the 10th Brooklyn International Film Festival, USA, June 1st to 10th 2007, to the Cinéma d’Attac Festival, France, May 16th – 22nd 2007; to the Champs et Contrechamp festival, France, May – June 2007; to the Festival de l’Oh!, France, …

“Zuoz” – International Festival

Daniella Marxer’s film “Zuoz”, Cinéma du Réel 2007, was selected to Graz Diagonale Festival, Austria, March 2007 and to Alba International Film Festival, Italy, March 29 – Avril 4th 2007. It will be broadcast on Arte on September 3rd 2007.

“Paper Cannot Wrap Up Embers” – International Festivals

Rithy Panh’s film “Paper Cannot Wrap Up Embers”, Cinéma du Réel 2007, is programmed as part of the festival “Champs et contrechamp – Cinéma et territoires” organized by Cumav in the Pyrénées region in France in May and June 2008. It was programmed to DokFest Muenchen, Germany May 1st – 7th 2008, to Anûû rû …

“Nisida, Growing up in Prison” – International Festivals

Lara Rastelli’s film “Nisida, Growing up in Prison”, Cinéma du Réel 2007, is programmed at the Cinémas Studio, Tours, France, as part of the activities of the CNP, Cinéma National Populaire, Thursday November 29th 2007, 8.00pm. Screening followed by a debate with the filmmaker. It was awarded the Ligue des Droits de l’Homme Prize to …