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“A Few Crumbs for the birds” – International Festival

Nassim Amaouche’s film “A Few Crumbs for the Birds” (Quelques miettes pour les oiseaux), detour programme Cinéma du Réel 2006, has been selected to Nyon’s Visions du Réel Film Festival, Switzerland, april 24th to 30th 2006.

“White Oil” – International Festival

Mahmoud Rahmani’s film “White Oil” (Naft Sefid), international competition Cinéma du Réel 2006, has been selected to Alba’s Infinity Film Festival, Italy, march 31st-april 8th 2006.

“Babooska” – International Festivals

Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel’s film “Babooska” International competition and international Scam International Award Cinéma du Réel 2006 was programmed at BAFICI Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente, Argentina, April 2010. It was awarded ex-aequo Best Austrian Documentary 2006 together with Arash’s “Exile Home Movie”. It received a special mention from the “Uno sguardo …

“The Seven Sailors of the Odessa” – International Festivals, TV Broadcasting

Leonardo Di Costanzo and Bruno Oliviero’s film “The Seven Sailors of the Odessa” (Les Sept marins de l’Odessa), international competition Cinéma du Réel 2006, has been broadcasted on Arte on Thursday August 2nd at 10.45pm. It was awarded the Best Director Award of the documentary section of Alba’s Infinity Film Festival, Italy, march 31st-april 8th …

“Grandfather” – International Festivals

Amram Jacobi’s film “Grandfather” (Saba), international competition Cinéma du Réel 2006, is programmed by the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme, Paris, France, as part of the program “Mémoire Familiale”, December 6th to 12th 2006 and is selected to Filmer à tout prix Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium, November 13th to 25th 2006. It was awarded …

“A Day to Remember” – International Festivals

Liu Wei’s film “A Day to Remember” (Wangque de Yitian), international competition Cinéma du Réel 2006, is programmed as part of Chinéma direct, Brussels, Belgium, November 09th – 25th 2007. _It was selected to Documenta Madrid Film Festival, Spain, may 5th to 14th 2006, to the Rencontres Paris-Cinéma and to Dok Leipzig, Germany, October 30th …

“Last utopia: Rossellini and Television” – TV Broadcasting, screenings and Festivals

“La Dernière utopie : la télévision selon Rossellini” – “Last utopia: Rossellini and Television”, Jean-Louis Comolli’s film, which premiered at Cinéma du Réel 2006, is programmed at Belo Horizonte Anthropology, Cinema and Video Forum, Brazil, November 17th to 30th 2006. It was broadcasted in May and June by CinéCinéma Classic, and screened at the L’Alhambra …

The Documentary film national catalogue

The Bibliothèque publique d’information’s audiovisual department has acquired the following films to be added to the Documentary film national catalogue for public libraries in France : Esther Hoffenberg’s The Two Lives of Eva (Les deux vies d’Eva), Cinema du Reel 2005, Jean-Pierre Duret and Andréa Santana’s São Paulo’s dream (Le rêve de São Paulo), Cinema …

“Emergency, Towns at Night” – International Festival

Pierre Maïllis-Laval’s film “Emergency, Towns at Night” (Urgences, les nuits des villes), French Competition and Pierre and Yolande Perrault Grant Cinéma du réel 2005, was selected to Doclisboa Film Festival, october 2005 and to Amiens International Film Festival November 10th to 20th 2005.

“São Paulo’s Dream” – International Festival and TV Broadcasting

Jean-Pierre Duret and Andréa Santana’s film “São Paulo’s Dream” (Le Rêve de São Paulo), French Competition Cinema du Reel 2005 was selected to the following film festivals : 3rd Festival International du Film des Droits de L’Homme, Paris march april 2005, Rencontres Cinéma d’Amérique Latine (ARCALT), Toulouse France march 2005, BANFF Télévision Festival, Alberta Canada …

“Blue-Grey” – International Festivals

Mohamad Al Roumi’s film “Blue-Grey” (Azrak-ramadi), Short Film Competition Cinéma du réel 2005, was selected to the Viennale, Wien international Film Festival October 14th to 24th 2005, to the Ecrans documentaires, November 16th to 20th 2005, to the 8th Montreal International Documentary Film Festival, November 10th to 20th 2005 and to Dok Leipzig, Germany, October …

“The Box” – International Festivals

Eva Stefani’s film “To Kouti” (The Box), Best Short Film Award Cinéma du Réel 2005, was selected to Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, july 2005, to Doclisboa Film Festival, october 2005 and to Docudays, Beirut International Documentary Festival Lebanon, November 2005.