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At the Wheel: Under the Influence

Paul Cowan
1986 Canada 63 minutes English

Portrait of two drivers who were drunk when they killed four persons. The film is shot during the trial which opposes them to the victims’ families. American style negociations between the lawyers, evolution of the Ohio and Kentucky magistrates faced with this world-wide calamity: alcoholism behind the wheel.

Paul Cowan

Diplômé de la Film and Broadcasting School de l’Université Stanford de Californie. Pendant plusieurs années, il travaille aux Etats-Unis comme caméraman et participe à un grand nombre d’émissions sportives du réseau ABC.

Depuis 1973, réalise, photographie et monte plusieurs films pour l’O.N.F.

A réalisé notamment :

– The sword of the Lord, 1973

– No way they want to slow down, 1974

– Descent, 1975

– Coaches, 1976

– I’ll go again, 1977

– Going the distance, 1978

– Stages, 1980

– The kid who could’nt miss, 1982

– Anybody’s son will do, (série War), 1983

– The deadly games of nations, 1982

– Democracy on trial: the Morgentaler affair, 1984

– Sous le coup du choc, (série Prendre la route), 1986

Production :
ONF Office National du Film du Canada
Distribution :
ONF Office National du Film du Canada
Editing :
Margaret Wong
Sound :
John Martin
Photography :
Paul Cowan; Mike Mahoney

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