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Dermantzi, un automne en Bulgarie

Malina Detcheva
1993 France; Bulgaria 57 minutes Bulgarian

“Who will look after the generation of parents, victims of the post-Communist period? Will the grandparents be able to remember the layout of the land as it was before collectivisation? Dermantzi, a small village to the north of the Balkans. The camera searches among these “people from the East” to discover how they lived under the Communist regime and how they are managing now… The director had left the country but now returns to her grandparents’ village. Her grandmother is dead, Communism has collapsed and she tries to capture the past and the present-day life of a family (her own) that has been shaped by change. An essay on the mentality created by totalitarian power, Dermantzi is also an attempt to re-establish links with one’s roots, links that have been broken by exile.” (Malina Detcheva)

Malina Detcheva

Née à Dermantzi en 1963. Diplômée d’études cinématographiques au conservatoire de Sofia en 1987. Ecrivain, poète et critique de cinéma, elle quitte la Bulgarie pour la France, où elle obtient en 1990 son diplôme de la Femis. De 1992 à 1993, elle est pensionnaire à la villa Médicis, où elle écrit un scénario pour un film de fiction sur les hérésies bogomile et cathare. Réalisatrice et scénariste (Le Maître du Zodiaque)

Production :
Bigziga; Sept Arte; RTBF; Panaef
Editing :
Bigé Berker
Sound :
Frédéric Ravignan
Photography :
Emil Kristov

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