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Enquête sur Abraham

Abraham Ségal
1996 France 102 minutes French; Arabic; Hebrew

Through history and culture runs the legendary figure of Abraham, whom the Jews and Arabs consider as their father – as do the faithful of the three monotheistic religions. Who, in fact, is this immense character? (…) In the film, Selim Nassib investigates the traces of Abraham in Hebron and Jerusalem, two towns where his memory has left its mark on the most contested of holy places, the Cave of Machpela and the Temple Mount, – the Esplanade of the Mosques. Although Abraham’s legacy has often divided his descendants, his name remains a symbol of unity. The film was shot in the middle of dramatic events: the Hebron mosque massacre by a Jewish settler and the first implementation of the still fragile peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. It tries to unearth the roots of the conflict between the sons of Abraham, analyses the father figure on which monotheism is founded, and specifically questions the paradoxes of the sacrifice of the son. (Abraham Segal)

Abraham Ségal

Né à Bucarest en 1937. Il étudie la philosophie et l’histoire à Jérusalem, puis entre à l’Idhec. Il écrit dans diverses revues de cinéma (La Revue du cinéma, – CinémAction), publie un essai (Abraham, enquête sur un patriarche) et est ledélégué général du festival Films et Folies. A réalisé :

B.A. BA, 1971 – La vie, t’en as qu’une, 1978 – Alésia et retour, 1983

Hors les murs, 1985 – Couleurs Folie, 1986 – Comme des fleurs, 1988 – Van Gogh, la revanche ambiguë, 1989 – Toutes les couleurs, 1990 – Socrate ou Audimat ?, 1995 – Le Mystère Paul, 2000 – Florence Delay, comme un portrait, 2004

Production :
13 Production; Ina; France 2; Cinquième; New Media Entertainment; Palestinian Broadcasting Authority
Distribution :
13 Production

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