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Cas limite

Marie Guiraud
1997 France 32 minutes French

Harold, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, will become a ‘borderline case’. But which borders or limits does he shatter? Those of the headmistress, who finds it hard to establish a contractual modus vivendi between Harold and the school; those of his teachers, who insist the rules be obeyed; those of his mother or his own as he tries to understand why he is becoming a borderline case and what risks his violence runs? Offering us no prior judgement, the film approaches Harold little by little, through disjointed dialogues, through a multiplicity of viewpoints, and puts into question not only the institutional social rules of our society, but also our own limits.” (Marie Guiraud)

Marie Guiraud

Diplômée de commerce international et de cinéma, elle a travaillé comme productrice et assistante metteur en scène sur des films publicitaires, institutionnels, des long–métrages de fiction et des magazines documentaires. Cas limite est son premier film.

Production :
Ateliers Varan
Distribution :
Ateliers Varan
Editing :
Sylvaine Dampierre
Sound :
L. Salters; O. Pousset; P. Fano; C. Avalos del Pino
Photography :
Marie Guiraud

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