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Cas limite

Marie Guiraud
1997 France 32 minutes French

Harold, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, will become a ‘borderline case’. But which borders or limits does he shatter? Those of the headmistress, who finds it hard to establish a contractual modus vivendi between Harold and the school; those of his teachers, who insist the rules be obeyed; those of his mother or his own as he tries to understand why he is becoming a borderline case and what risks his violence runs? Offering us no prior judgement, the film approaches Harold little by little, through disjointed dialogues, through a multiplicity of viewpoints, and puts into question not only the institutional social rules of our society, but also our own limits.” (Marie Guiraud)

Production :
Ateliers Varan
Distribution :
Ateliers Varan
Editing :
Sylvaine Dampierre
Sound :
L. Salters; O. Pousset; P. Fano; C. Avalos del Pino
Photography :
Marie Guiraud

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