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Les Charbonniers de surface

Cheikh Djemaï
1997 France 52 minutes French

Yesterday, it was the Spanish. Today, there are Moroccans, Portuguese and French… and their job is a strange one. In the heart of the Bessède forest, near Belvès in Dordogne, they continue the trade of charcoal burners. From sunrise to sunset, these men and women, with the blackened faces of underground miners, are busy making charcoal in enormous metal cauldrons. The work is hard and carries on regardless of the rain, heat, the smoke and gases that leak out of the huge ovens. The dusts stings and irritates the throat, is inhaled into the lungs and gives rise to illnesses.

Cheikh Djemaï

Né en 1955, éclairagiste de théâtre, notamment au Théatre des Amandiers de Nanterre, il poursuit des études de cinéma à Paris VIII, puis à l’INA. Technicien, il fait de nombreux reportages ,passe à la mise en scène et réalise :

• La nuit du doute, 1990 • Mémoire du voyage, 1993 • Les charbonniers de surface, 1997

Production :
Images Plus; Productions de la Lanterne
Distribution :
Productions de la Lanterne
Editing :
Jean-Pierre Sanchez
Sound :
Nicolas Zwarg
Photography :
Pascal Le Moal

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