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Gor’kaïa iagoda

Kamara Kamalova
1975 Soviet Union; Uzbekistan 64 minutes undetermined; Russian

Summertime and the carefree holiday rhythm for two girlfriends, Narguiz and Lali. Both are from a small industrial town lying at the foot of a picturesque mountain. Narguiz, the elder of the two, seems ready to do anything to attract the attention of Erkin, a hero figure for the gang of neighbourhood children. But here the problems begin, as Erkin remains indifferent, not wanting to lower himself to striking up a friendship with a girl.

Kamara Kamalova

Diplômée en 1964 de l’Institut Cinématographique, elle travaille au studio “Ouzbekfilm” jusqu’en 1992. Elle réalise dix dessins animés avant de tourner des long métrages à partir de 1975.

Production :
Ouzbekfilm Studio
Distribution :
Arkeion Films

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