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Life Is on Earth

Pascaline Simar
2000 France 71 minutes French

“As a first-person narrative, the film tells the story of a crossing I made aboard a 300,000-tonne supertanker from Le Havre to the Gulf, accompanied by a photographer friend Anne-Françoise Brillot. The journey took one month with no intermediary ports of call. The film describes the life and work of this closed-in space, the relations between men of different nationalities and seniority, and our gradual integration into the crew of 11 Frenchmen and 21 Bulgarians. Coexistence between the French and Bulgarians is a difficult affair, besides sailors do not talk much anyway. I tried to understand what opposed them and what drew them closer together. For four weeks, 24 hours a day, we shared exactly the same conditions as these men. I filmed what I experienced, what I felt, what I analysed. My heart went out to these men and I felt deep emotion for their humanity in all its complexity. Their story is a drop in the ocean of all those that tell of the international division of labour.” (Pascaline Simar)

Pascaline Simar

Après des études de lettres et de cinéma, elle se consacre pendant une dizaine d’années à la réalisation de films pédagogiques pour la formation des enseignants. Elle a réalisé deux courts métrages de fiction : • Le violoncelle, 1988 • Interruption volontaire, 1991. Depuis trois ans, elle réalise des documentaires de création sur le théâtre et la musique diffusée sur La Cinquième et France 3. Life is on earth est son premier long métrage documentaire personnel.

Production :
Artefilm; Couleur Films
Distribution :
Editing :
Emmanuelle La Morandière; Guillaume Germaine
Sound :
Richard Zolfo; Pascaline Simar
Photography :
Pascaline Simar

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