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Tas, kurio néra

Audrius Stonys
2004 Lithuania 45 minutes

Following on the tracks of Augustinas Baltrusaitis, a well-known filmmaker from the Soviet era, the cineast constructs a journey that closely interweaves the real and imaginary. He confronts his own visions of the disappearance of things and people with the failing memory or ignorance of the witnesses he meets-the filmmaker’s old neighbours and friends, who do not even know whether he is still alive. A man and an epoch have thus gone by. After this exploration of memory and forgetting, when Baltrusaitis is found well and truly alive, what the film reveals is as much an apparition as a man of flesh.

Audrius Stonys

Né en 1966.

Etudie la réalisation TV au Conservatoire de Vilnius (1984-1989).

Production :
Arunas Stoskus; Kino Kompanija Litnek
Distribution :
Kino Kompanija Litnek
Editing :
Gintas Smilga
Sound :
Viktoras Juzonis
Photography :
Vladas Naudžius

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