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Feedback pro : Le cinéma documentaire intéresse-t-il les collectionneurs ?

120 min

Wednesday March 18, 6.00pm, Centre Pompidou, Petite Salle, (free entrance)

Does documentary cinema interest collectors?

The permeability of contemporary art and cinema has long existed both in artistic and filmmaking practices and the exhibition of works. Today, an increasing number of works are being created by a new generation of filmmaker-artists recognised not only by the world of art but also cinema. Yet, the two markets obey strongly opposing logics (on the one hand, a value indexed on rarity and speculation over time, on the other, an industrial economy of the multiple that plays on novelty and seeks the widest possible visibility over ever-shorter periods). But is their compatibility really in question? Is one field more adept than the other at promoting a work and its author, or are new perspectives and new collaborations opening up for the documentary genre and those who make it? Will these collaborations remain specific, marginal and exceptional, as in the art market, or will they be duplicable as in workings of the film industry?

Moderated by : Pascale Cassagnau (PhD in Art History, art critic, inspector general of artistic creation, responsible for the audio-visual content of the Centre national des arts plastiques)Speakers : Corinne Castel (producer Les Volcans), Josée et Marc Gensollen (psychiatrists, art collectors), Clarisse Hahn (filmmaker, video maker, photographer), Nathalie Mamane-Cohen (art collector), Michel Rein (gallerist)