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Case study – Lusophone Africa

Lusophone Africa with directors and producers Lara Sousa (Mozambique) and Samira Vera-Cruz (Cap Verde) on We, People of the Islands by Elson Santos and Lara Sousa, a production in progress supported by the network of cooperation and solidarity between countries that are thousands of miles apart (Angola, Cap-Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Sao Tomé and Principe) and their privileged relations with other Portuguese-speaking regions across the globe. With also Kamy Lara, director of Beyond My Steps (Para lá dos meus passos), which will be screened during the festival, in the section Carte blanche to African programmers, and Annouchka de Andrade.

Curated by Hicham Falah, general delegate of the Agadir FIDADOC and its “Documentary Beehive”.

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