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Carnaval da Vitória

António Ole
1978 Angola 39 min
© Cinémathèque portugaise

Dur­ing the first Car­ni­val cel­e­brat­ed af­ter In­de­pen­dence, the Lu­an­da and Benguela in­hab­i­tants are filmed be­tween their work­places and re­hearsals of these pop­u­lar fes­tiv­i­ties.

António Ole

António Ole was born in Luanda, Angola in 1951. He studied Afro-American culture and cinema at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). Painter, photographer, sculptor and filmmaker, he has been recognized since 1984 beyond Angolan borders since his firstexhibition at the Museum of African American Art in Los Angeles. From 1975, he directed many films, documentaries, testimonies of political events. We owe him in particular the film O ritmo do Ngola Ritmos in 1978 which presents the beginning of the fight for freedom in Angola at the end of the 1950s through a musical group, Ngola ritmos. Or No caminho das estrelas in 1980, devoted to the life of the first president of Angola Agostino Neto, which earned him the Glauber Rocha Prize at the Figueira International Film Festival.

Production :
Televisão Popular de Angola
Screenplay :
António Ole
Cinematography :
Joao Silva, António Maneira, Vitor Henriques
Sound :
Jorge Baptista, Carlos Figueiredo
Editing :
Helena Nascimento, Regina Fontes
Print source :