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Groupe Dziga Vertov
1971 France, F.R.G. 103 min Language: French

A free interpretation of the trial of the Chicago Eight where Judge Hoffman, now Judge Himmler, scribbles his notes on Playboys, where the defendants portray figures of the French Revolution and where Godard and Gorin, playing Lenin and Karl Rosa, discuss politics and cinema.

Groupe Dziga Vertov

The Dziga Vertov Group is a film collective founded in 1968 by Jean-Luc Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin to produce militant films with a Maoist orientation. The name of the collective refers to the Soviet director Dziga Vertov (1896-1954), but it is also influenced by the ideas of Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956). All the films are signed collectively, including Un film comme les autres, Pravda, Vent d’Est, Luttes en Italie, Vladimir et Rosa, Tout va bien. The group dissolved shortly after making Letter to Jane in 1972.

Cast :
Anne Wiazemsky, Juliet Berto, Yves Afonso, Ernest Menzer, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Jean-Luc Godard
Production company :
Munich Tele-Pool
Print contact :
Gaumont -