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Ben annemin kiziyim – Ich bin Tochter meiner Mutter

Seyhan Derin
1996 Germany 89 minutes German; Turkish

« Dearest Mother, I don’t know much about you. My knowledge or our family is made up of pictures and facts from father’s side. That doesn’t surprise me as Turkish tradition presents the male line as the more important. Today as an adult woman myself, I have set off on a journey and want to know who my mother really is, she who was mostly overshadowed by my father and who was formed by traditions which I couldn’t accept for myself.'(Seyhan Derin) The personal story of the filmmaker, who was born in Anatolia and brought to Germany at the age of 3, and of her mother’s family. A story common to many immigrant families who settled in Germany in hope of a better life and find themselves facing unexpected situations and changes.

Seyhan Derin

Née en 1967. Assistante à différents postes, réalise des films expérimentaux avant d’entrer à la Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film. Elle a réalisé depuis :

Per Luftpost, 1992, Unberührt, 1993, Die Bestandnigkeit der Erinnerung, 1994, Zelt der Traüme, 1994, Ben annemin kiziyim, 1996

Production :
Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München
Editing :
Thomas Balkenhol
Sound :
Aysin Erale
Photography :
Martin Farkas

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