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Bibione Bye bye one

Alessandro Rossetto
1998 Italy 76 minutes Italian

An Italian summer in black and white. Not very far away from the old border that divided Eastern and Western Europe there is Bibione. A little seaside resort of architectural style from the 60’s which fills up with tourists. In the fast, dense flow of the redhot days of the summer sun, the people, natives and non-natives, young and old, work and live. In the background specks of summer life. “When I was little I often went to Bibione for my holidays. When I was 20 I went back hitching down on my own. This time there was my girlfriend who was doing the summer season as a waitress. She worked during the day and often also in the evening and as such I often found myself waiting on her. I rarely went to the sea… I just walked around… It seemed to me that I was in a little American town”. (A. Rossetto)

Alessandro Rossetto

Né à Padoue en 1963. A réalisé Il fuoco di Napoli (Le feu de Naples), 1996 ; Bibione, Bye bye one, 1998 ; Chiusura, 2001.

Production :
Alessandro Rossetto
Editing :
Jacopo Quadri
Sound :
Marco Fiumara
Photography :
Gian Enrico Gogo Bianchi

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