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Chronique de la forêt des Vosges

François Chilowicz
1997 France 56 minutes French

In a country where the mountains are blue, lies a large forest – so big that it needs thousands of men to take care of it every day. A fast-growing forest in the Vosges, which people have been trying to master for centuries. The work is long and exhausting, like that of ants… an endless job. Certainly, it is the lumberjacks’ ever-renewed interest in the forest and their ability to take advantage of each daily event the fest offers them, that prevent them from wearing themselves out and giving way to fatigue. For them, the forest means freedom. Through force of habit, they have learnt to appreciate a ray of light, the appearance of a wary doe or the growth of unexpected plant. The forest nurtures them, offering them its own values and dimension of time, against which they measure themselves during the efforts the job demands .’ (François Chilowicz)

François Chilowicz

Né en 1965 à Thionville, assistant-monteur devenu producteur, il réalise de nombreux sujets dans sa région d’origine, les Vosges :
Intérieurs, 1985 • L’eau douce–amère, 1988 • Innover c’est maîtriser, 1991 • Tetras le grand, 1992 • La vie saltimbanque, 1993 • Architecture de Nancy, 1994 • L’étrangère, 1996 • Demain la grève, 1996 • La noce radieuse, 1996 • Chronique de la forêt des Vosges, 1997 • Mr. Le Curé de Saint-Eustache des Halles, 2001 • Les Hommes du Labici B., 2003 • Les Voisins, 2004

Production :
Yenta Productions
Distribution :
Yenta Productions
Editing :
Morgane Spacagna
Sound :
Lionel Thiriet; Yves Loumeau; Xavier Griette; Jérôme Ayasse; Denis Leleux
Photography :
Denis Colle; Pascale Granel

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