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Demain le feu

Mehdi Meklat
Badroudine Saïd Abdallah
2020 France 76 min French

A journey from Calais to Marseille in May 2017. Relying on happenchance, the film sets out to meet a divided France that is little heard and which talks of its dreams and disillusions… Everyone is struggling between their solitude and hopes, at the dawn of a movement later dubbed the “Yellow Vests”.

Production :
Mehdi Meklat, Badroudine Said Abdallah, Ramdane Touhami
Photography :
Marine Guizy, Chloé Bruhat
Sound :
Nassim El Mounabbih
Editing :
Emmanuel Manzano
Narration :
Gérard Depardieu
Print contact :
Mehdi Meklat