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Den’ Pobedy

Victory Day
Sergei Loznitsa
2018 Germany 94 minutes French; English

During the course of a day at Treptower Park in Berlin, where the Soviets have erected one of the largest memorials after their victory over the Nazis, Loznitsa follows the crowd gathered here for the commemorations. The director plonges us into the action and unveils the true nature of this ritual : a chaotic, almost folkloric procession where, between a few smiles and burlesque scenes, one can be struck with fear upon hearing nationalistic speeches interspersed with dances and chants. History, to those present, is still very much alive : “The Second World War is not over yet” says a representative of the Communist Party at the beginning of the film. Thus remembering becomes an act of war on “Fascism” in Western countries. (Lev Khvostenko)

Production :
Imperativ Film, Taura Ltd. (coproduction)
Photography :
Diego Garcia, Sergei Loznitsa, Jesse Mazuch
Sound :
Vladimir Golovnitski
Editing :
Danielius Kokanauskis
Print contact :
Imperativ Film • email

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