Du Savon dans les yeux – Toilette d’une fillette au sein Peul Bandé
Some Soap in the Eyes - Toilet of a Fulah baby girl
Senegal; France
16 minutes
French; Pulaar
Baby care is not an ordinary activity. This documentary gives us an insignt into the privacy of a small community living in Eastern Senegal. Women taking care of a baby recall various events that took place in their villages.
Production :
CNRS Images; Cathode vidéo
CNRS Images; Cathode vidéo
Distribution :
CNRS Images; Cathode vidéo
CNRS Images; Cathode vidéo
Editing :
Sylvie Bouvier; Alain Epelboin
Sylvie Bouvier; Alain Epelboin
Sound :
Alain Epelboin
Alain Epelboin
Photography :
Alain Epelboin
Alain Epelboin