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Eine Ruhige Jacke

A Still Jacket
Ramòn Giger
2010 Switzerland 74 minutes Suisse-Allemand

In a specialised home in the Swiss Jura, Roman, an autistic young adult, is learning forestry with Xaver, a thoughtful and gentle teacher. Due to an event that happened, we suspect, during the shooting, the film is organised around discreet flash-forwards that intertwine with Roman’s human and professional initiation and his first experience of grief. Almost from the beginning, Ramon Giger includes in his filmed portrait the dialogue he engages with the young man, who communicates though a hand alphabet and an interpreter. “How do I make the film? – By telling my story without prejudice” replies Roman – What’s prejudice? – When you see me only as someone autistic.”  How, then, does one make a portrait that includes both the disability and its surroundings, or the dimension beyond? By simply making the portrait of the “whole man” that Roman so wishes for? Not only does the young man often seem frustrated by not being able to speak directly, but also during his frequent panic attacks, communication becomes impossible. As a real exercise in humility, the film is implicitly like the “still jacket” that the young man has said would help to appease him. The film also benefits from the staging proposals from the character being filmed, when he seizes the camera to communicate his feelings without using translation.

Charlotte Garson

Production :
Vivisue Film
Editing :
Roland Von Tessin
Sound :
Stephan Kümin
Photography :
Ramòn Giger; Roman Dick
Copy Contact :
Vivisue Film

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