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Michaël Andrianaly

Jelco, Justin, Rabetsy and Mamy work in a car wash, Ndaty is a rickshaw driver. They came from different regions of Madagascar to work in Tamatave, the economic capital. Cut off from their families, these young people develop a solidarity and fraternity born from their daily work together. As undocumented workers, they are exploited by a boss imposing his presence through a security camera. Also night watchmen at the car wash, they face violence and are regularly suspected of theft by neighbors. The director, who was born and raised in the neighborhood, takes another look at these young people in a polyphonic narrative.

Michaël Andrianaly

Born in 1978, in Tamatave, Madagascar. After university studies in international business and business management, Michael focused on video editing, special effects, and now covers the field of film directing and production. Training as a producer in Toamasina, Michael founded Imasoa Film in 2014. In 2015, Njaka kely is his first film co-produced with Les Films de la pluie. As a producer from the South, he takes care of the artistic and executive side of the project. In 2017, the same co-production continues on the project Confidence malagasy, giving Nofinofy. In March 2020, with few means, Michaël starts shooting Gwetto. The film is not yet finished, but still supported by Imasoa film.

Production :
IMASOA Film (Michaël Andrianaly)
Statut :
Rough cut
Completion :
Screening version length :
80 min
Expected final length :
85 min
Funds :

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