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Hajar Aswad

Nidal Al Dibs
2006 Syria 63 minutes Arabic

In the Hajar Aswad (Black Stone) district in Damascus, 15-year-old Mohammad and 14-year-old Mostafa rent a horse and cart every day to collect metal and plastic for resale–their contribution to the survival of missing or scattered families. Their stories are ones of abandon, the schooling they had to stop, brawls, prison, gluesniffing, alcohol, illiteracy. They learnt early on to flee family violence. During the day’s work, they sometimes stop off to see friends. They dream of girls, of the day they will be able to read the street signs or write their name, of a future job… They take occasional walks in the city, a huge territory encompassing their tiny district.

Nidal Al Dibs

Né en 1960, auteur de nouvelles et peintre, Nidal Al Dibs a étudié l’architecture à Damas, puis le cinéma au VGIK de Moscou. Il a été l’assistant réalisateur d’Oussama Mohammad et Abdullatif Abdulhamid. Il a réalisé trois courts métrages (Sonate d’hiver, 1992; Collage, 1994; Ya Leil Ya Ein, 1999) avant son premier long-métrage, en 2005, Taht al-sakif (Sous le plafond).

Production :
Nidal Al Dibs; Unicef; Proaction films
Editing :
Raouf Zaza
Sound :
Nadeem Ismail
Photography :
Joude Gorani

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