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Le Pays rêvé

Michel Moreau
1996 Canada 92 minutes French

“At the outset, I wanted to speak about emigration through the personal story of an émigré who has find his bearings in Quebec. What really interested me were his inner workings (…) Before very long, my producer suggested that I tell my own story (…). I hesitated a long while, as talking about oneself whilst avoiding a certain complacency is always difficult.” (Michel Moreau) Since his Burgundy childhood and the traumatic effects of the Algerian War which he experienced on the threshold of his adult life, right up to the time he settled in his newly adopted country, the director recounts the ‘liberating break-throughs’ that shaped his existence, his approach to art, nature and love. Having made dozens of documentary films, he also reveals his thoughts on direct cinema and its role, as it is by looking at Quebec society that he has been able to put down roots in Montreal.

Michel Moreau

Né en France en 1931, il vit au Québec depuis 1960. Après une maîtrise de psychologie, et un court passage par la publicité, il entre à l’ONF puis devient producteur-réalisateur indépendant. Depuis 1965 il a réalisé quelque 80 films documentaires dont :

Jules, le magnifique, 1976 – Trois lecteurs en difficulté, 1968 – La leçon des Mongoliens, 1974 – Une naissance apprivoisée, 1979 – Les enfants du Québec, 1979 – Les traces d’un homme, 1980 – Les voisines venues d’ailleurs, 1986 – Le million tout puissant (docu-fiction), 1985 – Les trois Montréal de Michel Tremblay (docu-fiction), 1989 – Une enfance à Natashquan, 1990 – Le Pays rêvé, 1996

Voir aussi le film Edith et Michel (ONF)

Production :
ONF Office National du Film du Canada
Distribution :
ONF Office National du Film du Canada
Editing :
Werner Nold
Sound :
Claude Langlois
Photography :
Martin Leclerc

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