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Le Sifflement

Zhang Zhou
2020 France 8 min

Where is the front? who are we? Where are we going? García Márquez said: The world is too new, there are many things that do not have names and must be pointed to. This is my first satisfying work since I came to France, I was lost for a while in this brand new country, I needed to learn a new language, a new way of life, everything new. I’ve lost part of my language ability, and I’m confused facing the front, I’m pointing there, my mouth is slurred. I make a sound (whistle) like a baby to describe the world. There, there, there. Perhaps with a bit of self-deprecation. This is a performance work about the camera and the body, and my direct response to the city.

Structure :
ENSA Bourges
Cinematography, sound, editing :
Zhang Zhou
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