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Les Jardins du Luxembourg

Joële Van Effenterre
1991 France 55 minutes French

“The most famous Parisian garden, the Luxembourg garden is only three metro stops away from my house. Like every garden, it has a whiff of paradise on earth – “here are the flowers, the fruits… etc”. They say happy people have no secrets… And yet, each time I entered I felt I was penetrating into a very private, very secret area, a world apart…A world proud to cultivate its share of the best of tradition, but with an eye to the future… I entered a laboratory where trees grow in pots, I saw hothouses, collections of orchids and bouquets, and I saw swaying palm trees… Leaning against the orchard gate, where over 500 species of apples and pears in danger of extinction are cultivated, a kilt-clad Scotsman playing a bagpipe. While the bees, undisturbed, remained busy in their hives… And while people walk, dream, play or relax in this garden, a peaceful army of gardeners is incessantly at work, in full view or backstage. This is the most private of public gardens because it belongs to the Senate. I’ve even met President Poher, who for 20 years has been the uncontested proprietor… A gardener in Paris, a gardener at the Senate – a real profession… take a gardener’s word for it !” (Joële van Effenterre)

Production :
Mallia films; Centre Audiovisuel de Paris - Forum des Images; France 3; Mission du Patrimoine ethnologique
Editing :
Joële Van Effenterre
Sound :
Daniel Ollivier; William Flageollet
Photography :
Edwin Baily

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