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La Corde de la vie
Ylva Julén
Staffan Julén
1989 Sweden; France 85 minutes Swedish

Anna Lindal, Sweden’s first female concert master, lives in Stockholm, but the man in her life, a cellist, works in Paris. This is a personal friend’s portrait done by a best friend from childhood. It is a film dealing with the flight of time, with belonging an friendship… It tells of the joy and happiness in playing, but also the sacrifices of childhood… Music as love’s strengh and love’s greatest rival.

Production :
Svenska Filminstitutet Swedish Film Institute; Sept; SVT Sveriges Television; Edenfilm
Distribution :
Svenska Filminstitutet Swedish Film Institute
Editing :
Ylva Julén; Staffan Julén
Sound :
Anders Horling; Pierre-Yves Brennel
Photography :
Kiell-Ake Andersson; Emmanuel Machuel; Staffan Lindqvist

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