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Mémoires d’immigrés : l’héritage maghrébin

Yamina Benguigui
1997 France 160 minutes French

“This film is an account of my voyage into the heart of North African immigration in France. The story of fathers, mothers, children, my mother’s story and mine. I had imagined filming would distance me from my own story. On the contrary, it plunged me right back into it. Not that I had forgotten where I came from or who I was. I simply rarely questioned the whys… The film offered me the identity of a filmmaker, so that I could rebuild an identity I had neglected… that of a daughter of immigrants.” Yamina Benguigui

Production :
Bandits production; Canal +
Editing :
Lionel Bernard; Nadia Ben Rachid
Sound :
Serge Richard
Photography :
Virginie Saint-Martin; Bakir Belaïdi

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