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Mokarrameh, khaterat va royaha

Ebrahim Mokhtari
1998 France; Iran 52 minutes Persian

A woman owned a cow she was extremely fond of. Feeding it, however, tired her out as she had to fetch grass from a long way off. One day, her children secretly decided to sell the animal. To overcome her grief, she started to paint pictures on anything she could find – on walls of houses, pumpkins, fridge doors… On his monthly visits from Teheran, her son brought her paper and paint. And the old woman painted away tirelessly. All her pictures recount her story, as well as that of her husband’s other wives and the village women. They portray the daily life of married women, their work… The imaginary world of this woman turned painter mingles with reality.

Production :
Ebrahim Mokhtari; Play Film
Distribution :
Play Film
Editing :
Ebrahim Mokhtari
Sound :
Morteza Dehnavi
Photography :
Reza Jalali